
Where did the battle of verdun take place
Where did the battle of verdun take place

where did the battle of verdun take place

Forts and buildings, artillery batteries and concrete trenches, bunkers and communication trenches, mine craters and shell holes, tunnels, monuments, graves and tombstones combine to create wartime landscapes across tens of thousands of hectares in Meuse. The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War I. Battle of Verdun The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest battles of World War I. This historic, archaeological and commemorative heritage bears the stamp of authenticity.

where did the battle of verdun take place

Where did the battle of verdun take place free#

Today, Meuse boasts the richest “Great War“ heritage in the world. Free Essays from Bartleby The battle of Verdun has been called the longest and most destructive battle of World War I. The battlefields are maintained as authentic battle sites and remains, testimonials to the fighting waged during the Great War. The endless rows of white crosses that now cover the area are testament to the war’s longest and hardest-fought battle which lasted 10 months, from 21 February 18 December 1916. The civilian population was forced to flee and many people never came back again. Alongside the Somme, the name of the fortress town in eastern France is synonymous with the worst horrors of World War One. Over 1,200 German guns were made available for this. The plan was to crush the French front-line completely with a massive artillery bombardment. These plans were hardly known to their other army units. In total secrecy preparations were made by the Germans. Farmland and forest were turned into wastelands of death classified as “Red Zone“. On 24 December 1915 the final decision was made to attack Verdun. Dozens of villages and towns suffered irreversible damage. Many of them were buried many were never found. Hundreds of thousands of young men died here. Europeans, Africans and Americans fought in Meuse. The Battle of Verdun was so fierce that it became the mother of all great battles in the 20th century. And among all the battlefields, the largest is world-famous - Verdun.

where did the battle of verdun take place

From 1914 to 1918, from the Argonne to the Saint-Mihiel Salient and from Vauquois to Les Eparges, the whole of Meuse was in the front line during the Great War. The battle of the Somme started on 1 July 1916 and as a result of this the activities at the Verdun front were temporarly halted. At 4am on 21 February 1916 the battle began. Meuse is synonymous with the First World War. French troops manning a captured German Maxim MG 08 machine gun (mounted on a sledge) at Fort Douaumont, Verdun. Battle of Verdun, (February 21December 18, 1916), World War I engagement in which the French repulsed a major German offensive.

Where did the battle of verdun take place